Monday 2 April 2012

it's a mad mad world

today i found out I got a B in clinical. B. It made me soooooooo mad. i was furious actually, haven't actually been that mad in a long time. I am okay with not being book smart, fine I can get bad grades on tests...but in clinical I sweat blood. and a B just doesn't cut it. Man, I am still mad just thinking about it. My roomates let me vent, and call the grader a dooche bag...I was going to do a dooche bag dance but realized inventing something that would remind me of this moment is ...stupid. so I didn't.
Then my roomy made banana muffins and there were no chocolate chips in the other roomate ate them all...we do that alot to eachother, eating eachothers food without asking and trying to replenish it later with no one knowing...usually it works out okay but today there were no chocolate chips...for some reason I found that so funny, I started laughing and couldn't stop, pretty soon I was on the kitchen floor laughing at the tale of banana muffins sans chocolate's not even that funny, and the floor is really dirty...I think the B was just too much for me.
then on the news there was a shooting at a nursing school in California...kinda scared me a bit...cause I was pretty ragey this is kinda a horrible pill that does not go down easy...and it makes people angry... for some reason, it's viewed as the thing to do in this world...why?
if I never see the letter B again I will be happy...
then mums phoned and told me that A's are book smart, B's wannabee A's and C's change the world. I luv my mother.

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