Wednesday 1 February 2012

my roomies

I told them I would blog right we speak...this is my life...when all of us are home, it's supper time, and we aren't sequestered in our rooms with homework, fiances, or youtube...

"Was the timer on?" s                  As she is boiling her supper on the stove...
"yes....why?' j                            sitting at the table and looking up from texting her fiance
"I just turned it off, sorry, sorry, sorry," s                     super apologetic and moving very fast
"It was at like 5 minutes, I can reset it for 5 minutes..."s             resetting the timer
"thanks"j                           still texting...
"ahhhhhhhhhhhh...I am making yam fries..." j                 pretending to be annoyed, but still texting...
"Your making yam fries?" s           slightly awed by the inspired dinner choice of fellow roomie
"I luv you this big...banana, bananananana..." s           happily vocal and preparing her own supper...
"Say something Jenny." me...for a moment things were quiet so I had to make cnversation...
"Why? don't blog me, you can't steal the words out of my mouth..."J  still texting but quite witty at the same time...
"Oh that's family milk..."J...she moved over to the fridge to announce this to s who did not know that we (m and j) thought we (me s and j) should share milk now, since we all drink the same kind...saves $...
"Then this can be family juice, help yourself." s always excited about saving money and loves to share
"Thanks..."j   back to texting
"I luv you this big." s  still quite happy, singing
"this big." s  echo...
"I know, I know," m  J comes over to see that I actually am blogging our entire conversation and is stunned...
"Your funny." j  impressed with my skills:) (actually I think she just said it to make me happy)
"You really are blogging everything we say...ahhhh, Maria is the most amazing roomie, and so is Jenny and Stefanie, they are all amazing..."s  totally getting into this blog...realizing that i am making her famous by repeating her verbatim....
beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep  the timer dings, Jenny gets her fries in the oven...fiance calls,,,,this conversation is no longer public domain....

"this is not a democratic blog, you need to blog that." s  she just wants you all to know that this might be more fiction than fact...or maybe only my facts...which maybe an edited version of what actually happened and slightly misconstrue reality....

I am actually super nervous about clinical tomorrow...always get a bit anxious...and when I am nervous...I blob...

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