Friday 29 April 2011

Why internet is essential for life...

I moved. Moving involves lots of things...hard things, one of which is learning to survive without's like survivor without the food shortage...and instead of starving and competing for a million dollars you eat chocolate and read cook books..seriously, I actually sat down and planned meals for a week and then wrote out a grocery list and when that was done I put the cookbook back where it belongs and made kraft dinner...but, now i have a week of meals planned for some week in the's written down...i did it.

also, to make this whole getting internet even worse, I know nothing about internet, modems and routers...seriously everytime you get a specialist to come help it's like mega money and they look at you like your stupid..."You don't know what the ip address is?" "Did you plug the cord from the modem into the router?" That one probably should have been obvious to me, but like I said, this whole wireless internet is such a have to plug everything in and attach everything right before you can have 'wireless' internet.
I just know that the mini computers at the bottom of the screen have a big red X going through them instead of the blinking screens I know and love so well...I hate red X's...I just want internet...

so now I kind of have internet but only one of the three of us can have internet at a time cause we connect right up to the modem...bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...a few years ago this would have been fine...but not anymore...because sharing internet is's like only having one piece of pie left and having to share it with 2 other people...I don't want to share...

so yeah, right now my roomates are having a great conversation that I am not really listening to so I can eat all the pie by myself...or in this case...use the blog...about my lack of internet...

1 comment:

Ben said...

Sounds like a miserable quality of life. If I was there, I would help. :)