Friday 22 October 2010

the word vomit that is my life...

things to keep in mind when you happen across this prticular blog...

1 There will be random occurances of badly written happens sometimes...usually the poetry is a bit melodramatic in nature and sad but definately always bad...i used to not write any of it on the blob but I have found that when I go back and read it after the fact...I don't get it...which makes me laugh...which starts a whole chain of things that I, for now, will leave at that...

2 There will be awkward revelations of one emotial almost 30 something woman...just in case you missed it during any of the previous postings, this blob is not really about issues I get excited about, events in my life, aswering the deeper questions in, this blob's focus is just little old me...and there is nothing more dull than reading about another's littleness...if your waiting for this blob to get any better, don't keep waiting, and best to think of the time you already have spent reading my rants as...time you can't get back. Sorry bout that...So, you might want to consider and prioritize before keeping up with the ramblings...

3 There is a playlist, yup, this is the only way I could get an official soundtrack for my life...certain songs actually go with certain posts...but mostly the accompanying music is not so much for my enjoyment but more towards annoying the rest of you as you read...enjoy:)

4 By reading this blob you will be unofficially involved in a therapy of sorts...mine...unfortunatly for you i am a terrible it will be all one sided.

5 I just thought that having 5 things would round this out nicely...I honestly have better things I could be doing right now, like studying pharmacology...however, lately I have realized that i should probably warn's not going to get any better than this...

so don't hold your breath

or you'll pass out.

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