Sunday 31 October 2010

Surprise, Surprise...Surprise????

surprises are always a massive undertaking, first you have to actually think of it...this is an important step...I usually share all my brilliance in one long blurb of verbal diarrhea and then...well there goes the element of surprise...then, after successfully thinking of it and keeping it to yourself, then, you have to plan with stealth and cunning how to pull such a feat off, and this would involve choosing who you trust with the valuable secret because we all know...some people just weren't built for suspense...they are like walking time bombs of secret goodness and although it is always funny to watch others detonate someone elses secret...when it's your brilliant plan being blown up...well, it's just not as 1) keep the thought in your head till you...2) plan it out with trusted confidants...but...and here is the the biggie...3) you need to plan your brilliance on one of those people who can actually be surprised...seriously...why plan a surprise, have all your friends and relatives walking on egg shells for weeks only to pull it on someone you can't fool...

I have a friend, she is getting married in a few far, out of the 4 showers she has been given, 3 have been 'surprise' showers...she is never surprised...not at all...tonight after the shower as we were rehashing the whole...step into a house filled with people you aren't 'expecting' bit, she lamented that she didn't act surprised enough..."I should have acted more suprised for them, shouldn't I?" she sighed...she was feeling terrible for actually being one of those people who can put together the fact that extended family get togethers don't usually happen on Halloween...poor girl, just be being smart she figured out her own surprise. I would never be able to do that...I would just be like, "oh, really, another family dinner? K. food for me..." (end of my thought process)
But she, she remembers that thanksgiving was only a few weeks ago, and Christmas is a month and a halfish away...unless some major event was to occur why would there be a family gathering? And then she realizes, "Oh, his side of the family hasn't thrown me a shower must be a shower, on halloween thats unique." Then she walks through the door and smiles at everyone waiting..."SURPRISE!"

"I should have acted a bit more shouldn't I?" she asks..."Yeah, you should feel really bad right now, for ruining their surprise..." I reply

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