Monday 31 May 2010

blog of death...

ok so much for cleaning being a politically neutral job...the politics have officially erupted...what was was a calming part of my day, a ritual of wiping...has burst into flaming rage and frustration at the fact that apparantly everytime I get off evenings there has to be a major meeting about what has/hasn't been done...seriously it's like the titanic sunk or something to have a major meeting about how to make a bed even...gruawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
that was a noise of prehistoric times coming from the pit of my frustration at the fact that once again...a simple existence has been completely ruined with politics...
and because I am me...i always take my here I am taking my side and freaking out worrying if I have to go in for a meeting with the hosting boss because apparently there was dust in a room I cleaned...dust. dust, people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but I am a cleaner so dust is essentially like kryptonite to my life right now...
wait there is some dust on my laptop oh no...
I'm dying,
I'm dead...

1 comment:

Kim said...

i like you better not dead.