Friday 21 May 2010

anti social

me and my roomie, Stefanie are currently waiting for our company to arrive, onions are sizzling on the stove and the meat is ready to serve...but here we sit. waiting. which brings me to the reason for this post. having company, being company, in company, i like people. but I feel like I am not very social.
This summer has consisted of work, sitting in the sun, I read weathering heights, i listen to Rachmaninoff (and yes, I play it over and over and over) I don't really initiate human interaction. In the evenings me and Stefanie, (my roomie) put a puzzle together or watch asian soap opera's...well 'we' actually just started. I got her completely hooked, which means i didn't just start watching these puppies. Once you go subtitles you can't watch regular TV without feeling alittle cheated. I mean, I learn Chinese and laugh my head off while watching my asian soaps on utube...for example, shi-shi... means thank you. You just don't get more educational than that. Once again an awkward revelation that i didn't plan on sharing at the beginning of this post, but here's the thing, I could get you hooked on them too. Seriously, you don't even know how funny it is, watching dramas that you can't understand.
this post is degenerating, I am antisocial...I don't call people, i don't make get together's or plan parties...yet somehow God has still blessed me with friends that are coming over right now...or soon. God also blessed me with friends who laugh at my ability to get addicted to asian tv and Stefanie even watched some with me...and she is dying to know how it ends ( well maybe I am exagerating alittle) right now, Stefanie working on the puzzle again, and I hear footsteps in the hall, soon we will be in good company.


(Ry, your already laughing and you haven't even watched one yet...)


mums said...

Ok we're back from the land of shi-shi and the rest of that language and the sheer volume of people that speak it makes ones head spin! The noodles were amazing - here's to Asia!

Lexi said...

Actually it's Wuthering, not Weathering, and I think Rachmaninov...but I could be wrong about that one.
We'll have to swap languages when I get back. I now have an entire new Spanish vocabulary: desculpe (sorry), tinto verano (summer wine), vali (pronounced "bali" meaning ok), perro (dog)(not to be confused with pero (but)), hermana (sister), caja (bank) and endrada (tangled) - this is what the hairdresser kept musing to herself as she was brushing my hair.

Gracias :)