Tuesday 13 April 2010

Fart 2...

On one very normal day, God went walking in the valley. There He saw the 4 little lambs being merry, and His laughter at their ridiculous play caught the lambs attention. As little lambs are curious by nature, the 4 quickly approached God, and finding Him kind and gentle they instantly loved him. He played with them for quite some time. When he was preparing to leave them they, being lambs and also silly by nature, asked Him for a gift. They wanted something to remember God by, just a token. A tangible reminder that he had come down to the valley and seen them. A gift so they show everyone how God had played with them. With a gentle smile God asked the little lambs what they had in mind, not needing more encouragement, fanciful dreams of grandeur, riches and adventure poured forth from the 4 silly lambs.
And although God could have given them what they asked for right then and there, His answer to their pleading didn't seem to satisfy their demands and only puzzled the 4 friends. His reply went something like this, "Little lambs, on the journey ahead of you, your going to need much more than riches and glory to keep you strong and able to walk the path of life. So here are the gifts I promise to give you to help you along the way. Hope, to see beyond what things are, even if you have to wait patiently for what is to change. Faith, to move mountains that rise up above you and threaten to block your way. And finally, I will give you Love. A Love that is stronger than even the power of death. These are my promises to you little lambs."

And just like that He disappeared.
Bewildered, the 4 little lambs looked at each other disappointed and very confused. Quiet thought to herself how sad it was that God hadn't given them anything to show the rest of the flock. Something that would have made others believe that God had spent time with them. A lock of hair, his hat, or glove, even a button off of a shoe would've been nice.

My dad wrote me an email saying that I should have named quiet, blossom...that made me so happy...mum wrote and said she cried...and andi said she liked it so that kinda made the little lambs in my head keep coming back, they made me write some more...but I am still studying physiology and the urinary system too...my brain is a multiplayer...

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