Friday 16 April 2010

exam madness...i haven't studied today....i am so dead...

The other lambs discussed the gifts they had been given and these were some of their thoughts. Talent didn't see why she needed hope because she was always able to make whatever result she wanted to, happen herself. Passion decided she certainly didn't need faith because the mountains were far off in the distance, she didn't care what was beyond the valley. Her passion was the valley and nothing else existed. And Although they all shuddered to even think about death, Bright declared that he would prove his love was stronger than even death. The lambs were soon competing to show the strength of their love towards each other. This discussion became heated as Talent claimed to love everyone else longer. Her birth being the earliest than the other 3. This made the others quite upset over the thought that they loved somehow less-even if it would only be measured by length- then one of the other of the 4 lambs. Bright, as usual got the last word as he normally did. Crying, "I loved you just as long as you loved me, I loved you even when I was a wasn't."
And with that the 4 silly lambs burst out laughing and soon were rolling around in the lush grass overcome by the simplicity of being able to be with each other.
And as the day drew to a close the little lambs continued on with life in the normal way, the visit with God was put behind them, they soon forgot about the promise He made or to wait for His gifts. This was how life continued for the 4 little lambs, one fine day after another. Each happy to pursue their desires and wishes, each remaining in the valley, finding comfort and joy in being together. So years passed without testing their love, without growing their faith, and without any need for hope beyond what they could already see.

1 comment:

mums said...

i haven't done my exercises today - I'm hooped. Still sore from last time so I guess I better have my 'cup a' and then get my rear in gear (as the saying goes). Love you.