Sunday 15 November 2009

Safeway Life

Corwin and Itzak are two of the bag boys I work with. They are "child-like men" who always make me laugh and really brighten my day just because they see things so simply. For instance, today when i was telling Corwin he could not make any jokes or make me smile today because I was having a bad day, he didn't get it. "How can you be having a bad day?" he asked..."the sun is bright, the weather is can always read comics on-line" and on and on he went...he is obsessed with on-line comics.
He also does "the laugh" after he makes a joke, no matter where he is in the store, if I hear him laugh I always smile...sometimes he is like me, just honestly laughing at his own jokes, but other times it's fake, almost like he is prompting the customers to is so funny...these are a sampling of his jokes...
Whenever i hand him a bag of lettuce to bag..."Anybody want a tossed salad...hahahahah" Oh, Corwin. This happens every time I hand him lettuce/bagged/salad/ or anything that can be made into a salad...and it always makes me was a new one I hadn't heard before, I handed him a container of fresh rasberries and he said, "Splat, anybody ask for jam....hahahahah" then he got on a roll and was telling the costomers about on-line comics...he draws comis during every 15 minute coffee break...he is obsessed....
Itsak on the other hand has his same one line for every single customer with a credit card..."Now we just need you to sign your autograph" He will say this for 10 different costomers in succession... they all know whats coming next as their stuff moves along on the belt and then finally I ring it in...secretly I know that they (allong with me) are just waiting for Itsak to get to his line...maybe he won't say it, maybe he'll forget...but no, everytime, without fail. Day in and day out...oh, Halloween he changed it too, "Now, you can sign your scary autograph...eeeaaaahhhhh" (immitating a ghost noise) I can't wait what for what he'll come up with for christmas....

Today 2 customers said something to me about, "understanding he can't help it" with regard to Corwin...and I was so upset for him, I truly think he is funny. He always asks how I am doing, always offers to help anyone and everyone...He comes into every situation at work with anticipation, like it's going to be new and exciting or something...when all I can think is...more of the same...I don't know... I just haven't had one shift with him where I wasn't caught laughing about something silly he said over and over and over again...and then laughing cause I'm laughing...mostly I am just glad for Corwin and Itzak...they bless me so has been surprisingly fun with them around...

oh then there is Mrs A.....She comes to the till with a cart for her stuff, and always say's, "ouch, ouch, ouch" over and over again in the most random parts of conversation...How are you today Mrs A...? Oh, dear, It is such a lovely day, ouch, ouch, ouch...the weather is so mild, ouch, ouch, ouch...(she is really happy as she is saying all this)...blinking and ouching through the transaction...she always leaves by saying, "God Bless you, ouch, ouch, ouch," and as she is walking away with her cart (smelling alittle like a cat:) I know the crazy cat lady but seriously so sweet) anyway as she is walking away you hear random outbursts of "ouch, ouch, ouch...."

Safeway...sometimes I think about it and smile...


Kim said...

"always look on the bright side of life..."

Lindsey said...

mia, you are too funny! i love this post!