Friday 20 November 2009

Michell, my belle...

so i went through all the pics...and went back to the beginning...back to Boise...and found a really hip friend with awsome 80's fashion sense and rhythm...member the dance parties????

thanks for taking one for the team in antipolo...when my face was so horrid that you went along with me and we took the Burmese cure...
First impression when i met are talented, funny and soul searching, counseling, intuitive and basically a california babe...
the midwifery duties...
You are constantly thinking and dreaming and going for something and you amaze me with your talent and creativity to make things happen and always help people out...member singing floating down the passig river? and 'just for now'...?
loving on little babies with no family...after working a 48 hour shift...who da woman? u da woman!
ode to the colour purple...I feel like this picture is fruedian in that it portrays my secret envy of your beauty so i am blocking you out of the picture...sorry friend...but who can forget the Fabella experience!!!
can anyone say Beverly Hills?
this meant sooooo much to me. thanks for sharing it and being a huge part of my healing...forgiveness takes a moment...healing takes a lifetime...
Your continuity! Walking in the rain to give your mum a dress for her baby and finding out she lives in a bed...with her two little ones...all day with nothing but a bed...It was crazy, but I kept thinking only you would treck out in the rain for someone and think it was no big deal...
ode to chocolate and how it fixed almost every waterfall experience...
I couldn't help myself...
Your namesake...
Crazy classes and making friends
visiting you!
the not so working out escalator picture...but we were all dressed up in spidy shirts and totally the coolest cats in that mall...for real!
diligent...hardworking...buntis...masakit...chicken salad...graham crackers...fundal height...babys!
thanks for teaching me so much and being willing to go first on the bicycle...I will miss seeing you and singing, Michell, my belle...but instead I thought up a new one...Maxwell, she's swell...and your new last name is basically synonymous with coffee so how can you go wrong with that...I so wish i could be with you on your big day...just know that I luv you and my prayers are with you and God bless you and Mike...cause you have been a huge blessing in my life...luv you my most girl!

1 comment:

Alexandra Michel said...

Mia, oh my word you made me cry... i have more to say on this post!!! thank you mia, you mean the world and this post came a good time... i miss and love you!!! THANK YOU so much for making me remember our friendships and sisterhood, and why no matter what we will always be there for each other!