Thursday 15 October 2009

This is just to say...

I hate your stupid english class
the in class essay
I got a B on
really sucks

I just wanted
to be smart
an artistic genius
but I'm not

and I feel like crying
so lame
and I'm ashamed
but your english class still sucks

this is a paraphrase on one of the poems we had to study in my english class...I got a B ( a very low B) on the in-class essay and it made me so emotional. I just wish i could burst out crying or something but I just am not that kind of here I sit stewing about the fact that I just can't write...I guess alot of me wanted to surprisingly discover that I am a writer...but I am not, always have been a bit of a b student. Thank goodness for multipe choice testing...I can do that.
Oh well, on a positive note my friend shirley called-to keep me acountable about all the changes I have made (like joining a bible study and church sunday school group) as well as all the other issues I have:)...before she hung up as we were saying our goodbye's and giving our luv, she said, "at least you can say, I love you"...which was so encouraging to me. Maybe it's not that big a deal but it's a start....


Alexandra Michel said...

HEY!!!! you are MORE than a B student... you are MORE than an A student!! your an amazing woman that never ceases to amaze me... your an outstanding friend, i mean like really good... one of the best in fact! and your drop dead georgous with beautiful hair!!! (i agree with the lady at safeway!) and a B on the the test sucks when your used to getting A's but i'm sure that your teacher had no idea what kind of writer you are... obviously she never read your blog!!!

Alexandra Michel said...

i know that you didnt need a pep talk but i just had in me and it wanted out!!!
love you