Tuesday 30 June 2009

This blog is dedicated to dumb and dummer and extict owls everywhere...

We took alex to Saucers...where me and Linds and her sis Elise work...
We walked to CMU and alex saw my 'castle', try not to be overwhelmed by the dorky red slippy's, they are my dorm-life public showers ( i don't want to catch foot fungus so I don't care what color they are)...but oh, so comfortable slippy's....anyway...

the zoo....and the three amigo's?...three musketeers?...three friends:)

I am trying to be ms photographer here...it's all about the tree...and the assinaboine park...and sargent sundae's ice cream...

I just make my friends pose in cooll places now that I am the photographer...they humor me:)

where is the goat????? can you find the goat???? Instead of where's waldo...where is the token zoo animal...spot the goat!

this is what a room looks like when we all get together...alex's shoulder....

Linds cooks and she made us amazing ribs and this meal that was sooooooooo good...but I thought her family would think I was dorky-er (than they already know me to be) if I made them let me take a picture of the feast...

to owl's and preserving the natural habitat everywhere...
mams and pappers luv the camera...I am becoming quite the picture nazi...seriously amazing camera....luv you all


Lindsey said...

dang you're a good photographer!

doulagirl1 said...

Looks like you gals are enjoying your time together! Just a few more days and it's off to Africa...all the best Maria!

Alexandra Michel said...

AWE!!!! MIA!!!! ha ha, you are a great photographer, i feel like you really captured the essence of the trip, without your picture taking abilities im afraid i would have never remembered the great time spent roaming the zoo and the streets of Winnipeg!!