Monday 11 May 2009

Current motto

A coffee a day gets me an A...well I really am kinda stretching my expectations there...but I do get my timmies every day before psychology can judge me...
part of my justification for this is I have decided to live on ichiban and powdered ice tea (I think my bro in law Yase gets props for intoducing me to this beverage) far I feel pretty good about it...I eat vegetables the days I work at Saucer's and other than that I really don't worry about food...basically I am supposed to eat carbs before tests and stuff anyway (a carb happy stomach is a smart brain) so I think I am on the right track with this diet...for the time being...
running is lame, until I get some marks back that says this time of my life is being well spent I have given myself the 'time off''; I watch people running as I am at the bus stop at 7am and think...suckaahhhh!
psychology is so hilarious, it's a bunch of smart people who are studying how to best descride human behaviour...good luck...but I am enjoying my class...with my timmies...
also I luv my canadian prof's...they spell everything the canadian favourite colour is green. I have muscle fibre attached to tendon's which anchor the muscular (fibre) tissue to the bone...tendon is connective tissue not muscular tissue because it's doesn't contract, it anchors...
which reminds me I have to study for the midterm now...


Kim said...

your posts have brought me smiles. your life sounds action-packed and full of nutrients :)

Lindsey said...

a coffee a day will get you an A! good luck!