Thursday 2 October 2008

You can tell I'm stressed when

I finish the to do list...

I am doing laundry...

I can't sleep...

Why am i stressed you may ask?

Well, i got offered full time hours over Christmas at a job that stretches my sanity patience intelligence and sanctity...(basically i feel like saying shit non-stop after 3 12 hour days in a row) I know that is bad and I'm working on it but...

My sister is due in a few weeks...i start getting all antsy about having to take off work, how it's all going to flow...ahhhhhh

i called to make a hair appointment and they can't take me until after the wedding which is Oct 25th so i am going to the wedding with lame-o hair...and Oct 28th I'm going to look like a superstar...

I want to go visit my boyfriend and my weekends are fast getting taken up with a job that makes me swear...why do i do word. school...

My boyfriend is really amazing...this should not be stressful but I am weird...

the fact that I'm weird sometimes stresses me too...

so here I sit doing blog-o-therapy and laundry, two cure-all's for me...I'm still waiting...

1 comment:

Alexandra Michel said...

ha ha ha, okay mia, i know that your stressed out blog should not make me happy or laugh... but when i read this one i could see you doing all those things. the laundry, the swear word... blogging, stressing about an amazing boyf, I love it! you are so great mi!!! cant wait to see you