Wednesday 2 April 2008

My little shit and other news....

I know I have a bad word in my title but hear me's funny enough to justify it a bit. So there is this lady at work who just got engaged to someone she's been dating for 3 months...she is a nurse so she is used to finding humor in all kinds of areas and situations but I kinda thought this went a little too far...apparently, her pet name for her man is..."my shit" it stands for:
I got the joke, but I feel like too many years of wiping other peoples bums have colored her view of appropriately funny...because I think calling your man a shit in times of anger would not necessarily be meant as ahhhhh, "Our first pet name for eachother". I think you would mean it very literally at that moment...
So anyway, was talking about it with a friend and the humor just got the better of us...we had long laughs about our shits...
so when I finally do get a ring on my finger and tell you that I have a shit...try and understand I am in lala land and have no brain...
for real, and for the record...don't think shit is on the pet names list EVER...
also part of this blog has just been the necessity of being able to be passive aggressive about my desire to 'say' shit...
oh, I got accepted to Mount Royal college for nursing...I am on the fast track of becoming locked into singleness...what is more single than nursing...maybe being a secretary...oh, already doing that! I really don't think it's because single girls have this great need to leave their mark on the world or make a difference...I think it's basically because nursing is a bankable job...and being single you may not be alot of things but you dang well better be brother in law is going to have to build an on-suite for me....ooops...already doing that too.....DANG!

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