Thursday 27 March 2008


So the Booney's are visiting their new grandbaby and the Davis' are here from singapore and we all had supper together...what fun! It was almost a full on reunion but there are new little people around and yes, as always not everyone shows up at these reunions...I mean their are so many KB families i haven't seen for ages and ages...much less all together!
But I am lucky, right now in three hills I have two favorite uncles and aunties so thats happyness...
WE do need James Bonney here to get auntie Janet laughing so hard she cries:) Not too mention a loud hymn sing, or pool party of old:)
WE did do the long talk with the Davis' the other nite and that was forget that their are people out there who want to hear about your life and plans and dreams even if they are not coming true...but they still want to hear...
Anyway, other than that i have three jobs and no life and I am in My Fair Lady (the maid) and so I have to go to sleep so i can be brilliant at my now busy scheduled for today i have tons of family, many old friends and lots to keep me busy...I guess life doesn't get any more full than this...

1 comment:

hadassah said...

yay, that's cool. i'm glad you can have a little reunion.