Friday 21 March 2008

DIng DOng the witch is dead...tra la la la la...

SO I finally have half a day off. Not much will happen today other than laundry and downloading my new to me pictures of my trip to San Fransisco...thank you linds!
but I am in a much better mood and am feeling much more able to try this new 'pam' calling it my pam job I am attempting to glamorize it as the office wanna be that I am...unfortunately there is nothing glamorous about ordering stool samples and transcribing stool softeners for 12 hours a day...
so anyway, I think the witch (in me) is definitely dead...however there is always the wicked witch of the east, west, north or south to replace it come monday...
my cousin Chrissie played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz which I went to see on the 17th with Andi...can I just say my family is talented and chrissie did an amazing job...also, my new favorite thing is the wizard of Oz and Wicked...seriously...the best shows EVER!
Ding Dong the witch is...

1 comment:

Kayla said...

the witch no one told me about the witch. it is the fly monkeys I am freaking out about.