Monday 10 March 2008


about my mums latest obsession...she read this book called The Shack. It's mostly theology put into a story and seen through a relationship BUT she sent me and my sister a copy and now she is sending it to all the missionaries too...apparently it's a must read:)
interesting side note-Dad has not read it!
so I thought it was an allegory when I started reading it and it was interesting and definitely thought provoking but then I realized at the end that it's based on a true story...I went back and reread the forward and yes, it is a true I missed that is still kinda weird; I don't think I would have read it if I really thought it was a true story, it kinda seemed 'fantastic'. Anyway all that to say that my Mcmitter still asks me what I thought and my impressions...but here's the truth-
I only read the book cause I knew it was about a 'God-encounter' and one of my friends from college just lost her baby at 8 months, Brennan is what her and her hubbie named him. His name means sorrow and I just couldn't stop thinking about how terribly sad and unfair it was to Jen and Brian. But when I met up with them and a few other good friends I couldn't help but feel like I was watching something very precious and holy. Sorrow is one of the most real things in this world and it was pretty jarring to a paper cut-out, red tape, cellphone, HD life.
SO anyway I needed a God encounter and the book is about relationship with Jesus and meaning in life and premature death and the mess that we are versus the perfect fractal that God sees(read the book). So even though it didn't answer any questions or make me think that I had clarity of any sort on really...anything, it just kinda helped to know that yes, life is a mess. But God works his perfect in every mess...okay I'll stop now,

1 comment:

Kim said...

well i just blogged the Shack too, it just is the "it" book i suppose. haven't finished yet, i'm just getting small weekly doses. i'm glad it connects with your real life.