Sunday 10 February 2008


-in a few weeks I am going on a trip...and I saw the hotel where we will be staying and I am soooo super excited.
-also sang in the choir today
-it has been -40C and -20C but still very very cold for going on 10 days...enough already!
-I walked to work (about 1 mile) in minus 40 with only hospital pants on(so i proofread this part and I just have to say that I was wearing a coat and gloves and a hat and scarf but all that I had on the bottom was flimsy hospital scrubs)...can i say I think i could have broken off chunks of my thighs by the time I got to work but I didn't try...that would have hurt even more
-got called to babysit for friends on valentines's the thought that counts! and apparently it is common knowledge that I have nothing better to do with my life than hold the fort while others fan the flame....
-my favorite lady in the hospital had some steller moments this week and made my shifts so fun...ok so it's funny when a very proper and cute old lady starts walking into the hallway with her pants down asking for a pantyliner...(largest pantyliner I ever saw!!!!)
-I ran about 5 k's....I am training for a marathon with my mother currently she is about 10 k's ahead of me but I was pretty excited just to hit the 5 k mark...
-thats about it.


Kim said...

i quite enjoyed this update!! way to go with the running! and the old lady sounds awesome. sounds way better than subway anyway. :)
where are you going?

Alexandra Michel said...

hey i laughed my but off about the baby sitting line, im so babysitting that night too!!!!! ha ha ha