Friday 25 January 2008


so as I was walking to work today i was thinking that the trees look very beautiful with the frost on them...and since I don't take very good pictures I was thinking in words...kinda like the fog and the trees had this intense discussion and had two very different ideas of how life is and in the end the tree's were changed by the whole conversation and the fog just melted really I don't know which I'd rather be...the tree who is changed or the fog that makes it's imprint on everything around it.
and then I started thinking that it was cold...really cold...
and then I was working at the hospital and since I make beds I had this thought???? I think it's related to beds anyway...what if a night showerer married a morning showerer????? I think that would be chaos? Cause one person likes to always have a clean bed and the other really doesn't care????
I was just thinking...
As far as doing I just helped make Korban's afternoon by making him a mouse hole with pillows and blankets...he's crawling in and out now! I feel like I accomplished I have to hold simeon so his mum can make supper...he likes to watch...
he's a third born...he is a watcher...thinker...

1 comment:

Kim said...

i enjoy your word picture of the hoar frost very much.
and good luck with the Saul issue, what do you do if you do want?..haha.