Wednesday 3 October 2007


today we sang, 'Jesus wants me for a sun-bean' at supper. Because we were eating beans for supper of course! and beans are that musical we sang about the sun-bean...
I think thats how life is going at the moment,
job hunting
study schedule
what to study
job hunting
job hunting
actually studying

Korban saying 'wight now' for everything
Grandma and Grandpa...
my friend lindsey and skype
laundry...i did 4 loads today
free rent at the sis and bro-in-laws
dad thinking I'm this amazing person cause when I borrow money i ask mums and he doesn't know the exact amount...yet. (if your reading this dad, you don't want to know...)
getting a job to start paying off debt!
being asked to attend a birth of some friends in january...yeah birth!

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