Saturday 20 October 2007

my vaca...

I am wrapping up almost 2 weeks with my cousin Kath and her fam. It has been so much fun. We drank tea and talked and ate chocolate pretty much whenever the two kids were calmed down enough to sleep or... sleep. but here's the thing, no matter how old we get, we're still cousin's and we still have our little tiffs. The latest being about ranch dressing.
Yes, sometimes it doesn't take much.
In my defense though, I would just like to say i have been living in Asia and not had the availability of ranch for awhile...and lately I have been making up for lost time by using it for everything.
Katherine took offense to the fact I wanted to set the table with it after she made a very delicious casserole-apparently a good casserole can stand on it's own two feet.
Well, then she brought up the fact that the ranch dressing has appeared at every meal I've set the table for I not like her cooking?
The simple answer is no, of course, I just miss ranch.
And we all know that ranch goes with everything.
Anyway, we were fighting after that even though I left the ranch in the fridge and ate that casserole that had two legs. I even had seconds.
and when we have an argument it usually takes one of us 5 minutes to turn it into a family joke. Actually Kath says that my family tends to turn things into a family joke...we're fighting...not really, but we are joking about ranch now.
really, and seriously...that casserole didn't need any ranch...
and I think I'll even start a new facebook group called; Life without ranch, in honor of this new family joke.


Kayla said...

You always keep me entertained!

Alexandra Michel said...

Okay Mia, i wan not there for this Joke fight, but i will say that there is always room for ranch....he he i love you and miss you more than ever!!!!!