Monday 15 October 2007

the baby whisperer...

Ontario is beautiful in the fall. I am looking out on lake superior and it is quite the superior view...actually it's night-time so it's dark but I make lame jokes when I'm tired...
Kath gave me this tip the other day about holding babies. She told me that you have to fake it and just act like you know what your doing even if your clueless and they'll luv you. But if your scared, they i tried it.
I am the baby whisperer extrodinaire!
Nikkila and I bonded while her mum took a nap...we watched Clear and Present Danger...mostly Nikkila slept and I watched Harrison Ford save America. But the important thing is, is that every time she got grumpy or even tried to wake up I just looked at her and said. "I know what I'm doing, and you need to go to sleep..." and it worked! everytime
This strategy only works if the baby has been recently changed...this method isn't for everyone (only the truely talented can influence a baby's mind like this) and strict boundaries need to be set as far as distance between mother and babe...cause once babies get hungry this method is useless.
but I reserve the right to patent this approach towards settling babies that aren't your own...once again, just look them in the eye and say, "I know what I'm doing, and you need to sleep."
you may need to walk, sway or rock while repeating this phrase in a low calm voice...
seriously; it works, I know what I'm doing...

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