Wednesday 29 August 2007

singapore with the parentals

Dad bought mums a new camera for her b-day...we don't want to talk about it...but now apparently we are a picture taking family...we went to a talk by a Cambodian author who studied at Providence seminary and wrote the amazing book, Tears of my Soul. About how all his family was killed in the communist take over and reign of terror due to the Khmer Rouge in the late 70's.
he went to school with uncle henry...and so we got to talk to him after the 'seminar'
the endless paparazzi....seriously...

caught in a more embarrassing situation of not knowing how to climb a tree...I just want you to know that I am high in the air...and I'm very brave really, just not with tree's.


The Journey to Home said...

I LOVE your blog Mia,
You make me laugh :). You are just wonderful!
Love, Tama

Lindsey said...

you look super cute trying to climb the tree though!

Courtney said...

You are too cute!

hadassah said...

i LOVE climbing trees! :) it was the 1st thing i wanted to do when i was in Bz last summer. :)