Monday 18 June 2007

games nite

I have recently discovered that most people I meet in the Phils here, love games as I has been great! Last nite me and the roomie went over to the Wassell's and played settlers, spoons, scum and dutch blitz till midnite. So stinkin fun. I would like to tell people that I did win the dutch blitz but was the first one out in spoons. However, my roomie represented for the midwives quite well and was in the final round.

Can I just tell you how great mango shakes are. WE get one almost every day off, made by the housekeeper who is staying in the house while the family is away. House-sitting was never so first-class before...and just to get you really jealous she insists on cleaning our bathrooms for us. Seriously how good can the 'good life' get? But I still do the laundry. I am even tempted to ask for hers too...we'll see about that!

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