Tuesday 3 April 2007

Prostitution in the Philippines

Here's an article about children being trafficed for prostitution here in the philippines. It may not be my 'real' life or anyone I know for that matter; but it's someone's real life and it's so sad. Click HERE if you want to read it...
PS my roomie kim walks me thru every new thing with the internet...seriously I am illiterate and slow at computers and she has helped me learn so much...so here's to Kim


mums said...

Dear My Maria:
Well, I found your blog! (I think I need Kim here to help me as well). And, I did "bookmark" it, so maybe this old grandma can get with the posting thing. I heading off to snooze land after getting things a bit ready for my lunch tomorrow. Have 3 ladies coming who I don't know real well, but will be nice to get to know them better. Am reading in John and is kind of special to read about coming up to the Passover just as we are coming up to Good Friday. We might go to "monday?" Thursday at the Anglican Cathedral - went to a service in Phnom Phen a few years ago and was good. Love you and love your blog. Your mums

Kim said...

look who commented mia - i was gonna comment when i saw your mom had and then i thought that was more exciting than anything! so this is a comment saying look, now you have one real comment and one that talks about that comment. and 1 + 1 = 2 comments!
today will be a good day!