Tuesday 3 April 2007

twins update

so went on postpartums today and saw the tweeners. Their sister Samaria helps her mum with taking care of the little guys now that school is out. Samaria has claimed baby Joseph as her twin. I can't believe that they are over 2 weeks old. Alma is looking great but has admitted that she is tired and by evening she is all in. This is a pic of Samaria and joseph on the left and Josuah on the right...can you tell who is breastfed? Joseph is HUGE and I encouraged her to breastfeed Josuah abit more, he is definately the littler guy!

Alex hung out with the neighbor kids and taught them to say things like, Hello California...Welcome to the Philippines...Hello Ate Mia...Hello Ate Kim...postpartum visits are always fun.PS Samaria took this picture...thanks to Ate Kim lending the camera.

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