Sunday 25 March 2007


I know a superhero. He's one of those people that hides his true identity, but he really is more than he seems. He even says he doesn't like sciencefiction or comics and discourages us from watching 'mindless entertainment' but I'm beginning to realize it's only cause he doesn't want us to see the correlation between say Spiderman or Superman and himself.
He doesn't have a special outfit, any outfit will do. He's so cool he can make anylook work:)
Although he does have a special name, it's more about the role he plays in fighting for truth and honor in the world.
He can fly. He has special anti-jet lag's simple, he never sleeps anyway!
Mostly though, he's inspirational, he struggles, he lives to see not just a better world but a new one. An idealist. A dreamer. My Dad...

Dad, I probably won't remember Father's day, and might even be late with your birthday card so i thought I'd just say that your the best. I don't say it enough, so i thought if I blogged it, i can go back and reuse it;) you know, tailor it for all occasions, plus now it's out there-on the web-pretty much i could be your agent. Thanks for e-mailing this week. I was going to work in your super-communicating ability and talk about your faithful sidekick, acer emailer, but it's 4am and i am waiting for a birth. luv you my most...yang ketiga

1 comment:

Kayla said...

Mia This is sweetly done, so beautiful. What a blessing parents are in times like these and all the time!