Saturday 21 April 2012

the boys

well...I am visiting the the boys...Bo is a bit sick today so there have been many tempurature checks, visits to the doctor, calls to the pharmacist, Andi asks what I think...and then calls the pro's:) Being as today they were all planning on heading to the zoo and that didn't work out...the boys have taken it really well...they LOVE the zoo...but of course they love me too...Lige and I had a discussion about talking to others when we feel like bursting so other people don't have to read our minds...we actually had quite a nice conversation about conflict and feeling some ways I feel like he is learning the same things I, when did he grow up? Korban drew me pictures of monsters, and told a story for everything he did, then came up at bedtime with a animal print mumu on, apparently it's what royalty wears in India...with Korban there is alomst always some sort of pomp and ceremony...then Sim ran home with me to get the bread out of the oven and entertained me this afternoon with his ability to push all his brothers buttons...he is pure genius...but I can't encourage this in front of his parents...that would be bad. Laz killed me at least 6 times today, I do feel the love, he refused to give me a hug goodnite but maybe tomorrow I will tackle him all good aunts do...I love watching him smile, mostly cause I have to work so hard to get one...and when he does I feel like the heavens have opened and I have done something right with my life. BO even smiled once at me, I was quite impressed at his socializing skills with a fever of +38C...went to see Grandpa and there is a possible chocolate fundue coming up...quite the full day.
Oh, I know I am visiting andi when...I saw some tupperware containers on a kitchen counter with what looked like chocolate cookies in it...I was babysitting so thought, "Andi won't mind, I'll just sneak one while the boys aren't looking so I won't have to explain it to Andi later...just a little pick me up for me...cause I am so good like that." Well, turns out those chocolate cookies were rocks and the containers are for the pet frogs the boys have aquired...never assume anything at Andi' could be a creature being raised by Elijah...
but the day will end with fondue so I am happy long as those containers stay closed and out of my room...I will sleep well tonight.

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