Monday 10 October 2011

I still do...

When I was young I looked up to you. A little person looking up to bigger, stronger examples and wondering, wow! I want to do those things too.
Growing up overseas can have it's drawbacks. For me, it meant going to school and living in the same building...this was kind of stifling sometimes. Who are your friends? Siblings. Who is your teacher? your mum. Who did you see today? my siblings and my mum. My mum never asked, What did you learn today? it was more like, "Did you get what I just said? Listen up!" My mum was not a bad teacher at all, in fact the homeschooling-the learning of knowledge part-went rather was more the lack of socialization that did me in.
I remember being fascinated by other people's mother's. Instead of who is your 3rd grade teacher...and oh my, there is Ms Dixon the 7th grade homeroom teacher I hear she is scary. It was more like, Aunt Janet Bonney has air conditioning in the classroom...and she puts leaves on the walls when it's september cause she says thats when leaves fall off trees...(ps leaves fall off trees constantly in asia). Aunt Lynn does sched so she can't teach, she has to make sure the planes don't crash. As many as there were mother's there were also various methods of schooling. But you always knew one thing for sure, when you went to Aunt Jan (Armstrong's) you were going to get a snack from North America. A snack. At school. And I would wonder what it would be all morning long, I wondered about it traveling to Serimbu, but I always knew...there would be a treat...and it would be good. Another thing that happened at Armstrong's is we would listen to Micheal Card courtesy of Uncle Henry...we learned to appreciate good music. Eating snack and learning something new.
I am still in school, but now I have 'real' teachers, I wish my mum was around to talk to, I understand that leaves do fall off trees in september/october...but one thing hasn't changed. Going to Aunt Jan (Armstrong's) house means good food. This time it's asian food. Ubbi, terong, santan, and fried plantains. I don't know how she does it...but it's like going to a world that never fails to surprise me...and it always tastes good. I am thankful for all my teachers, my friends mother's and father's, my family...ironically we had a musical moment this weekend as well...Matt Brower...Uncle Henry is a huge fan, he even has his name inscribed on his Bible...seriously. Actually he found it at MCC thrift store and couldn't pass up the opportunity...but I found it hilarious.
When I was young I used to look up to Uncle Henry and Anut Jan...time has passed. I am technically grown up...but when I meet them it's still the same...Wow. I want to learn to do those things too. was an asian thanksgiving feast:)

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