Friday 25 March 2011

Sexuality in the Golden Years

So, clinical is wrapping up only one more week, one more week talking about topics that pertain to people residenting in retirement homes. Blood pressure clinic-check. Diabetes clinic-check. Foot Care clinic-check...and now, for the clinic of our choice...Sex.

Yup, my group has decided that this topic would be a challange, it would break barriers, hopefully get people to come to clinic and as always probably cause a bit of a stir maybe start some really complicated usually yeah, everyone decided that this was something we should do a clinic on.
my group is the most crazy inspiring mix of idealism and down right earthyness that just might pull this off with flying colors...and then there is me...yes, me teaching a sexuality clinic...please all don't start laughing at once...all my classmates know I am religious and my parents are missionaries- they wonder how I got to be where I am today, i am right there wondering with them-they usually tease me with, 'what would your parents think', if I contribute to the conversation at all.

It's all about promoting healthy lifestyles and realizing that sexuality is affected when illness or chronic disease and age affect physiological functioning. As my textbook says, "although sexual activity declines as one ages; sexual interest and competence of older adults do not necessarily decline." Whether it's normal age-related changes or illness sexuality is affected and that can impact the persons emotional and mental state yeah, i am now researching for this presentation. don't laugh.

ok, maybe you can laugh alittle...

k you can stop now...


not gonna lie, I am kinda glad my sisters, bro-in-laws and parents are across the globe sometimes...cause i wouldn't hear the end of this if they were here...

stop laughing

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