Thursday 18 November 2010

Because only I am this cool...

I just posted this before actually writing it....because I am this cool...

I went to check my mark for a test and I had thought I was going to get a C on it so I was shocked to find as I read that I got an A...then I went later on in the day, high on recheck it to drink in my victory and celebrate the fact that I can get A's...and found I originally read the wrong line...I actually got a more high, no more A, it didn't even last a day...because I am this cool...

I taught vowel and consonant's in a grade 5/6 class today and basically gave all the wrong instructions to the kids and then they had to reteach me what the short and long sound of vowels mean...because I am this cool.

I missed the bus...because I am this cool.

there are other things that make me cool too, like the fact that I have bangs that like to stick up all the time right now, i forgot to put deoderant on after working out (this would have been an only slightly dumb thing to do except the next class was health assessment where I had to be in a gown and have someone touching and poking and yes, smelling me for an hour), actually working out was also a bit of a humbug, I tried to work out but ended up walking around the track and getting winded and smelly...I am this cool...I grew out of a pair of jeans...actually I ripped it while I was wearing it, I think my hips just exploded really...because I am this cool...

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

see, the thing is, you ARE cool Maria. Sounds like that was a crappy kind of day. It's okay, we all have them, and it's only the cooler you are that the crappier your crappy days seem. You. are. that. cool.