Monday 20 September 2010

I should be studying...

but I'm not...

I took a math test to see if I could stay in the nursing program....thankfully I got over 90% and can stay (had to get 90% so basically I got the minimum) stomach hurt all day waiting for that lame-o test...but now it's over and I found my mark out so am happy about that...also i am realizing that nursing has an insane amount of homework...take a normal course and times it by three...cause you have to prep before labs and then practise after labs while you move onto new material cause you will have to do everything in front of a preceptor by the end of the you have to learn it, cause there is always someone waiting to watch you...hate that!

I luv free food, hung out with Linds for the first time in forever and got a ride home but before I came back her mum gave me soup...I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got soup!

Bible study is starting again, awana is starting too...

also as I rode the bus today i was contemplating asking God to keep the weather the way it is right now, I like this sweater weather, it's fresh feeling. It's not cold enough for a coat, but cool enough to wake me up whenever i step outside...then i used my new skills of 'critical thinking'
(thats a huge catch phrase in all my classes) to think about the bigger picture and the repercussions of such a prayer...what would winnipeg be without a bitterly cold winter? How will this affect the global environment by keeping a mild tempurature here in winnipeg...after much deep thinking and logical deductions ( an hour or so...cause thats how long my bus ride is) I then decided on not asking God to keep sweater weather for the greater good of the whole of mankind....because I am learning to use my noggin like that....

no more selfish prayers for me...about weather anyway...

now I am going to do some more pharmacology...

1 comment:

Sonya said...

"critical thinking" I think is a quote all profs say but so far I have noticed that they don't like it if I disagree with them :P