Thursday 30 September 2010


Nursing clinical is just rolling right along. I wish the labor and delivery portion would last longer than three weeks but already it's done and I am moving on to postpartum. My rotation is ten going out to the community and into schools for basic health teaching. After every clinical day we have assignments due, some are care plans and other are self reflection journals...although nothing is given an official grade, they do use key words to describe your work, these key words are what you measure your worth a student, as a nurse, as a person. Your whole identity gets caught up in this mysterious world of ambiguous feedback. good really means bad, and satisfactory is even worse...the word to look for, the word I wish and hope for is...EXCELLENT and she writes it just like that big capital letters like she is shouting it at your from her office to your little basement apartment while you read about ears, mouth, throat health examination right now:)
One excellent is always a good sign (good actually means good right now) 2 excellents' is like drinking coffee with a decadent dessert and 3 excellent's is basically like drinking that coffee and eating that dessert and loosing defies least for me. I gave up on excellence long ago. I usually settle for getting by or by the skin of my teeth...even breathing is pass for me... but today I am drinking coffee with pastry and loosing weight. BOOM

I am excellent:)


Lindsey said...

Don't you love clinical's? Getting graded by how much they think you know without actually testing you. What a wonderful education. My grades are based on someone's opinion. Gotta love it. But I must say Mia, you are excellent!

Ben said...

Love it!!!!!! This was a great blob. Used lots of imagery.

Sonya said...

Awesome Maria!!! I am glad that things are going well!! You enjoy your coffee and decadent dessert while losing weight!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!

Kim said...

don't give up on excellence. you may be there far more than you think.