Sunday 4 July 2010

Viva la Fifa

I have been working non-stop as they say...and have only managed to find time to squeeze in as many fifa matches as possible. Other than that I have just worked. The matches are giving me a hernia, seriously. For Japan's shootout with Paraguay it was so hard. I later found out the player who missed his shot for Japan had the nickname 'Lucky' so ironic...then Ghana's shootout with Uruguay literally broke my heart, good thing it also touched Nelson Mandela so the team was later invited to his mansion for a pep-talk... the Netherlands beating Brazil, I haven't even really been keeping track of the Netherlands yet so for me they came out of left well as Artentina's meltdown against Germany....don't get me wrong, I was kinda cheering for Germany but after they had 2 points I thought that Argentina should at least have one to make it easier on their pride and then Germany got two more and I was like, there is no pity on that German squad...they just kept playing and taking it to the Argentinian's which was so different from the Dutch playing Brazil...the Dutch went defensive right away after going up one goal and then when it was getting close to the end they started shouting at the ref to call times up...
Yesterday I missed the Spain vs Paraguay game cause i was at Safeway...and at safeway I can't even check internet on my break so i was literally asking all the was kinda like, "Do you have your club card or phone number handy? Do you have airmiles? Would you like a hand out with your groceries? Do you watch world cup?"
unfortunately most were like, "what???"
and then I'm, "You know, Fifa world cup?"
and they're. "Fifa, is that a sport?"
and I'm, "Soccer?"
and they're..."We don't know anything about soccer, but the Bombers won their game today."
and I'm, "Thanks" inside thinking, how can you not know anything about the world cup if you own a TV, watch the news, or read the paper...maybe they really don't own a TV and can't read...
so finally after the other staff heard me asking a bizillion times one guy phoned his friend who is into soccer and then told me the score so i would calm down and stop pestering all the customers...
sadly, Paraguay one goal...scored in the final minutes of the game...the rest of the shift just kind of passed while I contemplated this and thought, how I am going to face Micha and Lillian on Monday...

I am sorry for your so very sorry...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Mia, one of those customers was probably me...sorry! Glad you're enjoying it though!