Wednesday 14 July 2010

"Hey, cleaning lady!"

I was racing out of the dining hall to turn off my oven and stove because I had forgotten about the supper I had cooked for tomorrow while enjoying a free meal at the caf...while at the caf i had enjoyed sitting and chatting with some of my co-workers when a french fry flew right at my of the hockey coaches/councellors threw a french fry at us and sat there grinning...I took a good look at him and then said, "I just swept that floor today"...looking dually humbled he got up and tried to find the forbidden french fry but to no avail, he was let off the hook because he was married to one of my coworkers cousins and so he had actually been throwing the fry at Rob but almost got me instead...I found this out after Rob told me the connection, which then humbled me cause I was like, maybe he had been throwing the french fry at know..."how you doin'" and all that.
Anyway, the thought did cross my mind so I was just kinda humbled cause I realized that I had thought it and wonder'd if he was hitting on me...and well, I felt stupid for even thinking it...
yes, after all that...I all of a sudden remember my cooking food and race out the caf, only to hear this,
"Hey, cleaning lady!"...I wasn't even wearing my staff shirt, I was off shift and just chatting with friends at the caf eating my free dinner and I get a false 'hitting on me' moment and now I am really actually trying to get back to my apartment and deal with my forgotten cooking...but I stop running, turn around to guessed it, married french fry throwing hockey councellor and he is smiling..."One of my guys used the toilet and it overflowed, can you come clean it up?" I look at him and mumble something about a french fry and now a toilet and then tell him, "Sure I will get there soon, I just have something to do first." He shouts 2cd floor, as I hurry towards my burning rice...and I think, do I have a sign on my head that says I love plunging toilets! pick me!
I get to the bathroom in question and the councellor is leaving with all his kids to go have some fun swimming, and he points to the stall and says, "I don't think he even used it, it just over flowed..."
And I'm thinking, really? you really think that gonna fly? that I will believe thats what happened? cause toilets just love to overflow all by themselves...really?? after the floor clears of all people hockey related I face the poop filled toilet and scream...yup, just screamed...and really there was alot of poop in that toilet...he didn't use the toilet my foot!
copious amounts of bleach later and a rage filled blob about my awkward, humilating, poop filled experience...I still am fuming about the whole insult to injury of first being humiliated at supper and then being humiliated because he didn't even see me as a girl, just as a cleaner...I might as well be covered in poop for how attractive I feel at this point in my life...

I used to like this job, poop on that...poop, poop, poop....

1 comment:

Kim said...

ooh Mia - so sad :( God bless you for cleaning it anyway! there's gotta be a special place in heaven for those who clean shit.