Thursday 8 April 2010

this is what i do while i study for exams...because i have no life...

Part 1
once there were 4 little lambs...each a different, unique, but equally special lamb. They lived in a valley, surrounded by rolling hills full of lush greenery. Far off in the distance the shadows of towering mountains loomed; but the little lambs were content in their small valley, and had no worries of the far off mountains. Being little, and full of energy the 4 little lambs played and made mischief aplenty.
but wait, introductions must be made...First there was Talent, a lovely golden fleeced lamb, she was named Talent because she was always the best at whatever she did. If she decided to enter a contest, she won it. If she decided to play an instrument she made it sing. Her abilities set her apart and made her stand out in the whole flock. Next there was Passion, a dark coated beauty, she was fiery and spirited. Her passion drove her, and she had a knack for dragging the others right along with her. She would never leave the others behind, once Passion was excited there was no turning back. She was like a spark that could cause a raging forest fire once ignited. After her came Quiet, she was neither dark, nor light coated. She was a blend of the other two sheep's extremes, but because she was always watching the other lambs she forgot to say or do much. She so loved having fun, she forgot to pay attention to anything other than the antics of the lambs she loved. Her happiness at being with the others gave her comfort and she never looked any further than the 4 of them. But wait, there was still one more, the littlest was Bright. Bright, being the youngest was always trying to make up for being the smallest. He pushed himself to compete at a higher level in order to best the other 3. His determination to be a force to be recon'd with, could get annoying. But his presence was light to Talent, Passion and Quiet, which he often used to dazzled them.
It was the most natural thing in the world for them to love each other. Their love spilled over into hearty laughter and rambunctious joy when they got along. And when they would fight, that love would pull them back together, no matter what kind of argument was had. Each lamb contributing to form a strong bond, like a cord that couldn't be broken. Their relationship was like curling up on the most comfortable bed and falling into a peaceful sleep.

k so there might not ever be a part 2 ever published...but sometimes I think about lambs and sheep and childrens stories and so part 1 kinda just happened...we'll see if these lambs ever come back into my imagination...

1 comment:

The Journey to Home said...

Hey! I know those lambs! and I love them :).
Love, Tama