Sunday 25 April 2010


This week was kinda redonk...but thankfully God knew that I needed extra help so He sent my cuz to winnipeg...yes, Ryan came to be in winnipeg...because I needed family. And we went for sushi and saw comedies which made me laugh really loud out in public, which I should only do around people who truly love me, but Ryan was there so I knew he would beat anyone who dared to mock me...or simply tell me to be quieter please...
He is gone now, sadly, so I have reverted back to trying as hard as I can not to laugh in public...and I never gave him back his thumb drive, but he said that was's just not as fun not knowing how long it might be before I get to laugh out in public again with my own personal security guard...
that part of my week was the great white buffalo...
now I am cleaning copious amounts of oven's and making beds and wiping walls and moving furniture...but still I had an amazing week...because God knew that I needed someone to vent to, and also to tell me that family will love you no matter what you do or how you 'fail' (your GPA requirements)...

1 comment:

mums said...

want to come for supper? lamb sausages, oven baked potatoes and fresh green/spinach salad. At noon I cooked up some ikan teri, peanuts and tempe - could have been a little spicier and sweeter for my taste but maybe next time. Your GPA might just be right up there with the best my mia! Don't loose heart. You're cleaning, I'm cooking -- what's new. Love you.