Tuesday 30 March 2010

Some kind of incredible...

Something happened today that made me so proud...of myself and yet at the same time completely sad for myself too...

I ate a blueberry muffin from the cafeteria for lunch...the incredible part...there was ginger in it! Ginger in a blueberry. Lets just pause for a moment at the brilliance of who had the brilliance to think of it...

ok, now to my own 'lesser' brilliance...I recognized it was ginger!!! hurray me...this means I have been cooking with spices and can now taste spices in complex baking...hurray, hurray, hurray...I could never do this before, my sisters would talk 'ingredient' talk and even my friends do it too and I usually just sit there, wondering, how in the world can you taste 2 teaspoons of salt in something? really? is that seriously something we need to hash out in conversation? but today, today i realized that yes, ingredient talk is real. It has meaning, as in, I want to make those muffins too. And how can I make my muffins as exciting as ginger-blueberry was? all this because I tasted ginger and recognized it for what it was...GINGER...the spice of...excitement?... this could impact my life...forever...

and then I sadly noted that it took me 28 long years to taste the ingredients of something...I have missed out on the essence of food talk for too long... I want in on the ingredient conversations...this language I have yet to master...but slowly one spice at a time I am going to taste the rainbow as it were...

and on an equally low note...last week i counted kraft dinner as my home cooked meal...true confessions people...I will do better this week...

ginger has inspired me...


Kim said...

i appreciate the KD confession.

Alexandra Michel said...

aw mia, im happy for your new milestone:) someday i hope to taste these "ingredients" as well, but as for now... i know it needs salt and pepper and that is about it.