Thursday 31 December 2009

Letter to Jesus

this Christmas has been super-fun. I am reading Les Miserables...tonight is my last night at Andi's and tomorrow I head to Lethbridge so exciting! I have been able to do everything I wanted and seen so many people I missed and then there have been hugs too. Today epitomizes most of this time to me...I saw my aunties and uncles...hung out with good friends and then had cheeze fondue with the Korban would say, "bif bif beef" !!!(although I am not 100% sure this is a positive phrase, I am pretty sure you can make it mean whatever you want it too...I luv these kind of 'one-size-fits-all words) I got a visit in with Grandpa, and someone came by and saw a picture of my grandma and decided I must be related to her, cause I look so much like her...then tonight I came home to my sister hanging out with an old friend of Ste's and secretly I hoped he would give me a hug...(ask anyone, I do not normally 'hope' to hug people...even if I know them, I am not so much into displays of motto is "No touchy") so I was abit shocked to find myself thinking, ' make this day even better I want a hug from this guy' (Ste's motto to friends and everyone was, "brother's don't shake, they hug", something I have never truly gotten). I walked in, took off my coat and boots and was saying hi and all that and then this guy reached out and hugged me. And i knew that YOU cared if I got my hug...yes, deep down inside me there is a hugger.
so thanks for wrapping up a good year, thanks for what is past and done and as to the future...bring it:) I have a huge long list of things I want and probably misplaced expectations to get replaced so I guess, lets get to work and just get going with this tearing down and then rebuilding...amen

ps...he hugged me good-bye too...that almost made me cry...I mean 2x's seriously...overkill:)

ps...just in case you were worried about el'constipatione...he pooped...we all cheered and then waited for dad to come home from work so he could see what his son had been up to all was proud...his son plugged his first toilet...

happy new year...

1 comment:

Jen said...

Glad I got to see you yesterday - even if it was only for a minute.
Hope you have a good flight today!
:) ~J