Wednesday 11 November 2009

I'm here huckleberry...

So looking back at my whiny post I was convicted that God always surprises me with who remember's and who gives a shout out...and my immediate family is very forgiving when i wallow and am a bit of a freak...thank-you Mums and Dad, Andi and Yase, Tris and Leigh...sorry I was being hard on you...and on the world wide web too...

in other news...

emailed a lady who is adopting one of the TLC babies...she wanted my pictures and story of her baby...she is picking her baby up nov 23...she also asked my vote on her new name...which was super sweet...ironically this baby was the first baby I met-right after getting to TLC and after the flight and drive from the airport and being gross and tired they took me to the nursery and I held this little girl and knew that being hands and feet to her while she waited for her family was going to be so voted for the names annabell and nathaly...

hung out with an mk from germany and we watched the swiss family was 1am and we were killing ourselves over Ernest riding the ostrich...seriously sooo funny...

sometimes I call one of the boys at work Zach-attach cause his name is Zach...I think I frighten him alittle...

found out one of my old high school classmates is a foster mother to two kids...she has had them for 1 month...this girls is so inspirational to me...she has said over and over throughout knowing her ( in high school and beyond) that she feels like she just has all this love that she is supposed to share with others...I've always thought that that was a beautiful was of expressing her desire to meet some of the needs she sees around isn't about the work, the mission or her agenda; it's about the love...

signed up for a course called Statistics next semester...kill me now...

now I am going to work and although i haven't been trained I will be running the self-checkout kind to your local cashiers today...I am a bit nervous...

I now run 6k's 3 times a even though i get lame grades and am having the emotional roller coaster of death semester...I am running and pushing myself a little steps people...

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