Friday 10 April 2009

Stop already....

I know that I am lucky, I do feel like I have great life and that I am where I am for a reason and all that jazz...but seriously it is midnite and the girl who lives the floor above me is singing in a sing-songy voice and it's driving me nuts...dorm life is good and I can generally sleep thru racket and craziness but seriously this voice is driving me nuts...and whats worse is I know who the girl is and she has a poster of Jake on her bedroom door...the three hills one hit wonders....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I don't know why I mention that other than most of the time I think it's hilarious but right now I am not in the greatest frame of mind, you see I had already made peace with the world today and bid it goodnite, I had said my prayers and thanked God for family and today was a good day too. being Good friday with family dinner and Luke entertaining us all at the dinner table with his version of a mini skirt (he calls it a mickey skirt) and I got an email from my sister and then a phone call from the has been a full and rewarding start to the long weekend...and I thought I would be going to sleep before tomorrow (now today) fresh and ready for work...but then the incessant singing started. And here I sit, starting today with a big off key start ...drat these walls, drat being surrounded by music students who won't shut up....seriously it's midnite...go to sleep already...and now I lost my peace...and I should probably confess my lousy attitude before I try and get some rest....if only they would stooooop....pleeeeeaaase I am dying here.....for the luv....

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