Tuesday 13 January 2009

nutrition fyi

Isn't is weird how talking about food for a 3 hour class in the evening can make you so hungry you will be snacking for the 3 hours following the class because food is, fascinating, to say the least. My nutrition prof is probably the most soft spoken man i have ever had to strain to hear for a 3 hour time period (I realized this after going to biology with awkward advisor this morning and feeling like the whole room was echoing with his voice-the same room where last nite I felt like I should invest in a hearing aid).
Besides the fact it was making my ears tired and giving me hunger pains, I found myself completely fascinated by the different ways nutrition affects life and how many ways it is incorporated into healthcare in general. Did you know that GP's (general practitioners) only get 20 hours of clinical in nutrition? Or that sugar affects our serotonin levels and actually acts as a calming 'drug' if you will; I found that fascinating. I guess Prozac is used to release serotonin and calm depressed people down. But I kept thinking i should probably just eat a chocolate bar the next time I feel like I am in the depths of despair.
Basically, although the prof said that nutrition cannot solve the problems of the world, he did explain quite vividly how the lack or imbalance of proper nutrition has certainly contributed to many of the problems of the world. And afterwards I got to thinking, maybe if everyone ate a chocolate before they made any major decision in life they would be a bit calmer about the whole ordeal and not freak out quite as much. Or maybe I am just talking about me, but i still think it might be worth an experiment for some top secret government plan and of course limitless funding to try to achieve world peace with chocolate...I would be a willing participant should the need arise to serve my country in such a way.