Monday 19 January 2009


I've been to church three weeks in a weird...but very nice. I go to an anglican church called St Margaret's...we drink wine almost every sunday and I like the teachings and liturgy, we chant, we pray communally and then the choir's very beautiful. This week we learned about 'the perfect craving of belief' in a world where belief is not believable anymore...
also awkward prof in biology decided to dress up for class the other day in a suit jacket, but he forgot to trade in the khaki zip off pants...and then he spoke about his old scottish prof and decided to impersonate him as well for then he was speaking in a scottish accent for was quite was hilariously funny...but I only laughed inside my head alittle
but after talking to linds I think my prof is fashion forward, her chem teacher wore a shirt with the periodic table on it-the first day of class...
speaking of awkward conversations, sam the jewish guy who came to church with us the other week, well, he doesn't really want to come to church with us anymore...but he was on the bus when linds had just gotten on after a particularly stressful day in chem class and when he found out she was having a rough day he asked her if she wanted a hug! On the crowded bus, with everyone being abnormally quiet...sam, sam, truly if you met him you would understand. But if you met linds you would understand even more of how awkward this event was-and linds being the true honest person she is-said no. On that crowded bus, with everyone 'listening'...basically this story leads the way in all famously awkward moments of getting to know people and being in a new place that seem to be happening right now.
I went to a Vesper service and heard a woman named Elation play the most beautiful music on her violin...
I went to the bank and walked home because it was only -3...
I lost my coat...and then found it.
I went to floor meeting where we discussed the reoccurring issue of plugged toilets on our floor-this issue is apparently an old one-which I was somewhat grateful to think it hadn't started in the new semester (right when I had gotten to school-awkward) but then I had to ask why? Why does it seem like every dorm, floor or community house I live in we get the toilet issue? Why does my life revolve around crap?
but mostly I was thankful that it wasn't me...
I have my first assignment tomorrow... and then a bio quiz next monday...I am already nervous.


Lindsey said...

thanks for making me laugh about my slightly traumatic day.

Kim said...

thanx for the sharing.

Alexandra Michel said...
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Alexandra Michel said...

okay mia, i laughed out loud reading this post!!! i love that linds teacher wore a periodical table on his shirt the first day, your lives should be a tv show. i would watch for sure!!! i am catching up on all the post today since my test of death is over!!!! or at least till i have to re-take it...most likely:) what evs...