Tuesday 2 September 2008


my parents left on monday so I decided to take the day to recouperate-which for me means taking out the trusty soduko book and playing settlers on the computer for hours on end...got company at 9pm and we stayed up and chatted till almost midnite and then I came to work for 12 today and locked myself out of my house and now am going home...

ps my landlord said she has never had a tennant loose a key before and this is my second time doing it in 1 month...

ps work was a bit over my head today...i couldn't seem to grasp anything...

ps a friend called me and then my cell phone died in the middle of a convo...

so now there is only 15 more minutes and I get to have tea and go to sleep...and then come back to the gong show tomorrow...eeeks

i just had to page that visiting hours are over...right in front of visitors...so lame...but I guess I can take one for the team...
go team.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Life is funny sometimes isn't it. Hope you are doing good & I really hope to see you sometime this fall (we're planning a trip after harvest to Red Deer, Three Hills & Calgary). I'll keep you posted!