Tuesday 1 July 2008

Happy Canada Day

Well, in truly canadian way I had a lovely non-holidaying holiday. I worked. It was fun, I gave everyone yellow straws...because it just seemed like a cheery thing to do. And I picked up 4 shifts in July so I will be able to pay rent.
In moving news, someone gave me a couch! Hurray! I have officially been given bedside tables to use as well as a table and chairs and now a couch. I get to move tomorrow and I am excited to have something fun to do this summer other than contemplate my existence...so I will move and set up house and take walks and finish reading augustine's confession...which I did not know was one of the first known autobiographies of the western world. but now I do. and right now all I can say about it is there is a lot of rhetoric I feel like it is writing prose as arguementitively as possible-as if assuming that I will have a problem with what he is saying-why defend, I'm listening. I am reading the book aren't I????
but the real big news is Korban has moved past the animal phase, no more does he come to the table as a hippo and licking things off his plate like a puppy. Nope, now he is Jesus. I really do feel like that boy has quite the view on life. Everything is 'wight now!' or it has to be a certain way that he can't explain and just starts crying with frustration about. And now he is Jesus. I think he is going to run the world...or be frustrated by our lack of vision.
in entertainment I am back into Jane Austin...I think I need to see persuasion again. And I luv reading Northanger Abbey...
Other than that I am moving tomorrow and I am almost packed and I am going on a walk right now so bye for now.
looking at my recent posting history I realize I have quite run-out of things to blog about. but I might revisit the recent past and tell you of my cousin's graduation and my encounter with a crazy lady at her party with whom I solved the problems of our healthcare system and basically the world-as well as talked about the mind body soul connection. I know, seriously, I know.
but one can't blog about all things at one time...


Lindsey said...

mia, you're moving! how exciting! i'm slightly jealous...the last few days i have been scheming ways to be able to move out next year and since i already have a roommate lined up...im feeling good about the possibilities :) have fun in your own place and good luck with the move! miss you!

Kayla said...

Mia, so what you are saying is I have been struggling like crazy to try to figure this whole become more like Christ thing out when all along all I had to to was say it... OK "I am Jesus". Well I guess that is the way it works one day we are dogs the next we are Jesus!