Tuesday 13 May 2008

"and we all fall down"

So I finally got three days off in a row! Yeah! but before I can relax they involve saying good-bye to my parents for yet another prolonged period of time, and also the new car...yup Dad spent 4,ooo on a new to us car and then decided I needed to celebrate by taking it to visit my cousin and her kids...
well, the battery lite started coming up and I called and left a message about this. Not impressed with the 2 day old (to me) car. Sure enough 45 minute out of three hills it dies at a major intersection with just me inside...before you start feeling for me you must know that I reamed out my parents on the cell as I was looking at the lights flashing, the speedometer stop working and finally the car beeping at me incessantly; for buying the car, for having me, and basically for the sky falling on my head yesterday...yup, as the age old song goes, ring around the rosie, pockets full of posie, hush, hush...we all fall down...which later in life you find out means the black plague, 1/3rd of Europe dying and we teach it to our kids and watch them sing and dance thru a death chant. Who does that? Yesterday, the day of death (for the car) we all fell down...
well, needless to say, we had to have many 'discussions' about how everyone was handling the whole car dying right after being bought and mum and dad leaving and everyone knowing that I am NOT dealing with old cars again.
So, Dad got to 'talk' with the lady that towed him back to three hills, and I got to apologize profusely for having a tantrum on mum the day after mother's day,,,(you know you earn your title when...) and we all got home and I spent 3 hours at play practice and finally the day ended.
Today I told Dad we aren't allowed to talk about anything that includes the words transition, or cars...he has been very gracious, Oh and a supporter called and decided she wants to take mum to Steve's graveside...my mums, I tell ya, she deserve a medal...oops she just pulled up gotta go...

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are so great! Hope things start looking up :)