Sunday 27 January 2008

don't even ask about the first picture I still have alot to learn about computers....

bio hazard bliss...the placenta has no idea whats going to happen next...eheheh!!!
It's one thing to have your little sister ask to use your kitchen to cook herself a is a whole other thing to have your little sister use your kitchen to cook a placenta...I found that out this week....there are apparently levels of food...and placenta is not even on the edible list; so I was informed! This huge drama erupted as I was trying to get up the courage to even cook the thing...It's not like I do this every day, OK! So , I had to do it by cover of darkness after every meal of the day had already been consumed and children were put to bed so to save them from witnessing the heinous reality of....placenta.I found a recipe in one of my old textbooks...and thanks to Tama for such exquisite documentation thru pictures you can all be witnesses to the fact that I stood my ground and sucked it up and cooked the placenta. Tama and I had a great conversation about homeopathics and natural medicine and how placenta's are the only living meat and taste like liver...(probably chicken liver)
I was still alittle nervous though and worried that being as I am not a cook-how would I make placenta edible...I mean I can't even make chicken edible...I am just not a cook.
Andi was gracious enough to let me use her skillet...she probably threw it away after being as it touched a placenta. Here it is in full raw glory, but actually after I cooked it and covered the smell with spices and lemon I felt like I had done the best i could and delivered it to the mother and guess what...she did eat some of it...wonder of all wonders and the only thing that bothered her was the tasted like lemon apparently. I was tempted to ask to taste some but it wasn't my placenta and I didn't need it to prevent from postpartum depression or to lessen I refreigned.
All in all if Tama hadn't been there I would not have had as much fun and Yase's reaction to the placenta issue will be next...


Lindsey said...

oh my gosh! you are crazy! i'm glad you didn't eat it though!

Kim said...

i'm in awe. yikes a million times! and kudos.

lo said...

so maria. i am so proud of you. i ponder often the cooking of that astounding organ... but have yet to get up the courage. so was that a Bonney placenta? i read that you were at the birth... how fun! getting to watch a baby come out.
so when the opportunity presents itself again... and if i am in town I would love to fry that sucker up with you... if only to try out some of Anne Frye's recipes!

Alexandra Michel said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA, words dont describe how i feel about this post... my mom almost threw up and my dad is speachless as well.!!!! ha