Sunday 19 August 2007

indonesia 2

this is the whistle cake guy...he would come down our street and the steam from his little oven whistles and we could always come out and know he was there...then he would make you as many as you wanted right there...proving to you that I do enjoy a good whistle cake! brown sugar and coconut yummyness

yes I do have abnormally large spaces in between my big toe and first BUT it's cause I was raised barefoot...indonesian grass is sooo comfey...this is where I raised frogs once...we would pick all the tad poles out of this ditch and put them in a rain barrel and wait for frogs to jump out of the rain was quite exciting...and once we put a small firecracker into a frogs mouth to see what would happen and well, it wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be but the frog did jump into the air and flip over...never to jump again...
this is my 'gong' or street...I never really played out side of my street much...I am such a little safety much afraid girl...this was my playground for about 31/2 years...oh the memories...

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